Codes for Reviews

First Initial (Overall Rating):
E = Exceptional
VG = Very Good
G = Good
F = Fair
NR = Not Recommended

Second Initital (Reading Level):
A = Average Reading Level
E = Easy
M = Mature

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Thursday, August 6, 2015

Daughter of Deep Silence

YA Fiction

G/A Ryan, Carrie. Daughter of Deep Silence. Dutton, 2015. 378p. 978-0-525-42650-9. 17.99.

Frances Mace is one of only three survivors of the Persephone yacht disaster.  The other two are Senator Wells and his son, Grey.  At first, Frances is overjoyed when she learns that Grey has survived, but then realizes something is terribly wrong when Senator Wells and Grey claim that a large wave swallowed the Persephone. However, Frances knows the truth – that men with guns attacked the Persephone and massacred three hundred and twenty-seven people.  Frances has lost both her parents and her friend, Libby, in the aftermath. Frances is rescued by Libby’s father, and he decides that the only way to keep her safe is to have her assume Libby O’Martin’s identity.  Now four years later, France puts her plan into action. Intent on exposing the Senator and Grey and uncovering the truth of the massacre, Frances will stop at nothing to get revenge, even if it means hurting Grey, the boy she once fell in love with years ago.  Camille Campos, YA Librarian, Angeles Mesa Branch Library, LAPL

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