Codes for Reviews

First Initial (Overall Rating):
E = Exceptional
VG = Very Good
G = Good
F = Fair
NR = Not Recommended

Second Initital (Reading Level):
A = Average Reading Level
E = Easy
M = Mature

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Monday, June 18, 2012

Amelia Anne is Dead and Gone

High School Fiction

F/A  Rosenfield, Kat.  Amelia Ann is Dead and Gone.  Dutton, 2012.  288p.  978-0-525-42389-8.  17.99.

Everyone knows everyone else in Rebecca’s small hometown. So when an unknown young woman is found beaten to death on the side of the road everyone is affected. It especially confuses Rebecca (Becca) who had always dreamed of leaving her town and boyfriend behind to go away to college, but now that she’s graduated she’s confused about what to do. She also thinks that she might know what happened to the dead girl, but all of her actions have consequences. The narration goes back and forth between Becca, Amelia (the deceased) and a third person narrator a little too often to keep up the flow of the novel, but the different narrators let the reader see the similarities between Becca and Amelia. Rosenfield does a good job of keeping the reader confused about what really transpired the night that Amelia Ann died and who exactly killed her. Older teens or young adults with an interest in mystery books will enjoy. Loren Spector, LAPL, Felipe de Neve

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